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If a butterfly beats its wings in Beijing, a storm breaks out in New York

This is the so-called "butterfly effect" that literature, meteorology and mathematics have tried to explain since the fifties.

What relationship exists between the butterfly effect and the Project Management?

Apparently "none", at least until the Project Management will be treated only in theory, without meeting the practical problems and without looking for operational solutions to overcome them.

The relationship with the butterfly effect emerges instead when we propose to plan and control a project "for real", and in particular if this happens in company contexts (Enterprise) characterized by a high level of complexity.

In fact, a Project has the characteristics of a "small world" within which, with a "butterfly effect", each action propagates unexpected and often remote phenomena. Any decision (both design and implementation) taken during a Project may have effects that are not easily quantifiable on all the variables that condition the achievement of the pre-set objectives.

The discipline of Project Management that from the theoretical point of view appears simple, from the practical point of view can present difficulties that make it scarcely effective and sometimes even inapplicable. Among the causes that determine these difficulties, one above all is represented by the physiological turbulence of the context that characterizes any project: "at any moment everything is moving".


Any Plan, a short distance of time is no longer representative of a scenario that changes according to the design and implementation solutions that are identified day by day, and the effort required to adapt it to the changes that have taken place is often unsustainable.


This phenomenon is accentuated in the presence of projects in which, with the aim of compressing the total implementation time (lead time), the three implementation phases (engineering, procurement and construction) are conducted in parallel, which influence each other along the entire life cycle.


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